Retrospective 2019!

We have reached the end of 2019!

But may 2020 come serene, light, harmonious, and full of health, because the maxim is always valid: the important thing is health, the rest we run after.

And here it is, the 2019 retrospective!

And I say: “Whether I cried or smiled, the important thing is that I lived!

And there’s still A São Silvestre!

To everyone who follows Feliz Correndo, a great 2020, and with many races!

16th Aricanduva Shopping Race 2019

Guess which race was this?

It was the Aricanduva Run 2019

A race that I would rate 10, was excellent, it was very well organized, and São Pedro helped by sending a spray (a nice drizzle). But let’s get to the accolades for acts, this one deserves it:

First act:

  • Is there anything better than waking up early to run? And it’s not worth an ugly face, you have to have a smile on your face:

Second act:

  • And find dear friends? Delight.

Third act:

  • Organization, truth be told, YESCOM is learning to do street racing, and it’s about time, right? What we have already suffered at the hands of this organizer I won’t even tell you, or rather, everyone who runs knows. Remember “São Silvestre 2017? But things have changed, and when a strong name comes together, we all win. Regarding water, with 1.5km already there was a water station, and it was like that for the whole race, there was no shortage of Regarding the chemical toilets, I also have only praise, many toilets, including women’s, and all very clean, and with janitors taking care of the cleaning all the time.

Fourth act:

  • And the start was given….. A delight to run, for sport, for health, for joy, for the love of life…No fireworks at the start, but respect for the surroundings is always, so no noise, but a little smoke to cheer up is great.

Fifth and last act :

  • “Gran Finale” and the winner of the race, it couldn’t be different, he worked all night, yes he is Gari, then he goes to the race and does 10km in less than 28 minutes. Okay or want more? Ahhhh, want more? My dear friend Fran Kaue’s team also took the podium, in third place was the boy Marco Joseph with a time of 26:50.

Congratulations to everyone who participated in this wonderful race!


Tell my friends if all running really well?

Today, among several races throughout Brazil, we had the most popular women’s race in Latin America: The Mc Donalds Race 2019. Held in October, because its reference is Pink October, it took place on this beautiful sunny Sunday, in São Paulo the race was held at Ibirapuera, and as always a party.

Next weekend there will be more running, in fact, tests, because running, we run all week, right?

Have a great week and good training!

Just for the girls!

Hello the girls that I love so much, good news for us girls, but ok… for the boys too, because there’s nothing like running alongside a girl who is happy with life and health!

The site below, I particularly love it, always has great news and delicious recipes. And this article is very interesting for female athletes like us.

The article is about the health of the female athlete’s heart, it is worth reading and knowing the site.

To the next!

Transform your workouts!

Hello guys

In other posts I’ve already talked about the pleasure of running in beautiful, different, unusual places, that is, changing the workout. But in addition to changing workouts, we can also transform workouts. That turns into a rewarding ride.

Last Sunday it was very cold here in São Paulo, and I didn’t feel like running, what to do, if so, it’s necessary to train, or at least move the body. Hmm… I thought: let’s walk/run/walk/run and see where we are. It couldn’t have been better, I started running along Avenida Celso Garcia towards the center, I arrived at Largo da Concórdia, I went up the Viaduto do Gasómetro, and when I returned I came across a very beautiful Church that I always wanted to know internally (I’m not even Catholic, I just appreciate the architecture). The Church is the “Igreja Bom Jesus do Brás” Established in 1818 by King Dom João VI, Parish in Brás is of Portuguese origin and is marked by the presence of immigrants.

Enjoy the party, and get to know this beautiful architectural work

The training was really worth it, and in fact, I did 8km between my house, the stop, and the return trip very well.

This Sunday, there was also in every corner of Brazil, the training “In Memoriam” of our dear and beloved runner José Amâncio. The great Bahian runner who became a public figure, and who always infected us with his joy and will to live. But as I always say (here for us) God sometimes shows himself a “little selfish” and took our dear Amancio to run in his green fields. But ok God, thanks for the time we spent together.

Is that you? what kind of training do you like? Tell us in the comments, and give us tips.

Have a great week to all my friends and see you around.


Hello dears, although the Post today talks about the female race, which came to shake everyone, you “darling” are invited to stay here.

On any given day in the month of May, roaming the internet, yes, roaming, because nowadays we don’t surf anymore, we roam. And looking for a race to call my own, I come across this one that would be the “POWERFUL RUN”. Hmmm, I thought: cool guy, let’s go… I signed up, the race is on the 11th of August, what’s up? FATHER’S DAY… Ahhh, now I’ve signed up, there’s time to run, go home, and prepare Father’s Day lunch.

August 10th: day to pick up the kit. What kit is this?

August 11th: Clock, that is, the phone rings the alarm at 4:45 am. Get up, run, make coffee, yes production to run, every runner knows how it is, watch, sneakers, clothes, headphones, breast number, chip… Ops… Chip? the chip? where’s the chip? did not come, ok, they must deliver there on time. Let’s go”

Arrival at Parque Villa Lobos: Time of departure: 7:00 am, time of arrival: 6:57 am, my God, there are 3 minutes left for the start, I leave Jesus and Meghan behind and I run away, because there is one detail missing, well subtle, beyond the chip: bathroom…

I approach the arena and ask some friends who were arriving: Girls did you get the chip? and one of them replies: FRIEND, THERE IS NO CHIP, HERE WE ARE SO POWERFUL, THAT WE DON’T EVEN NEED TO SCHEDULE A TIME! LOVE IT!

And you ask me: But then, was there time to pee, and to leave it in time? Yes, it did, because the start was delayed by about 30 minutes. So, nervous people? The vibe was so, so good and delicious, that I realized that we were there, to de-stress, to play, to talk, that is, to understand that we are beautiful and wonderful women and that we can give ourselves a few hours to realize that, even if these hours be stolen from fathers day…hahahahahaha!

And before the start, the dear “Mylene Cardoso Túbero”, creator of “Poderosas de Batom” gives her message.

But she also exclusively gave her message: HAPPY RUNNING

Wait: soon we will have news on “HAPPY RUNNING”


Almost buddy!

It’s so cheap but so cheap…

Running friends, do you run for the race? Sponsor? Organizer? Value? Or another reason?

It’s just that the races arrived at a price, which is difficult to run, or rather, run from high prices. Do you think it’s not possible? Of course, it is. We have several races and groups of cheap races, and when I say cheap, it’s below $ 30.00, I agree that below these values, the participant with a t-shirt is not contemplated, it’s fair.

You can find some sites and places with races for a price, to cry, but cry for joy, okay?

Let’s run people…

Holiday Boommmm!

Speak my dears… Who ran this May 1st holiday? Wow, Jesus and Meghan!

Yeah, today we were there in Osasco at:

11th Challenge of Workers – 2019 – Osasco.

It was a delicious morning, the return is being a little painful, but with perseverance, we will make it.

The race was in charge of the staff of “Sports”, by the way, beautiful work, perfect race, with a more than perfect kit and drawing of several prizes.

You can see today’s photos, just sorry there’s a lot of Dona Meghan, debut is like that, right?

Sunday has more and little by little we are returning.

Great workouts everyone!

Run to the Park!

Hello, darlings!

I’ll get straight to the point: I don’t know about you, but I run on a treadmill! I have one just for those rainy days.

So reading the site “Your race” that I love, I came across the 11 places you should run. And what a surprise to discover that there are only 4 places to go. Oh, what a delight! Want to know what the places are? Click here, but then take a good run through the site, there are so many cool tips for us runners.

To the next!

Tips never hurt!

Yes, tips never hurt. But tips from that friend who started running yesterday are not valid. So look how cool the tips from our friend Sergio Rocha’s blog are, stick it there and absorb them, they are simple but valuable tips.

Our Next Race: